All income tax calculators are based on the tax tables from SARS for the specific period of taxation and this is what is used to work out your tax liability, that is the amount of money you need to pay to SARS.

The formula to calculate your base tax liability is simple:

Base Tax Liability = (Total annual income x tax bracket percent ) + additional tax payment if applicable tax rebate

Therefore to calculate your tax liability using this formula, you need to know your total annual income, the percentage tax charged on the tax bracket you fall under, whether there is an additional payment on this tax bracket and finally the tax rebate you quality for.

To calculate your total annual income, multiply the amount you earn in a month by 12, e.g. if you earn R20 000 per month, your total annual income will be R20 000 x 12 = R240 000

To find your tax bracket percentage, refer to the tax tables below. If you earn an annual income of R240 000, you will fall into the tax bracket of R195 851 – R305 850 which carries with it a tax percentage of 26% and an additional tax payment of R35 253.

If you consult the tax rebate table below, depending on your age you will find the amount that you can deduct from your total tax. e.g. if you are under 65 and earn R240 000 per year, you will quality for a rebate of R14 220.

Therefore your base liability is: (R240 000 x 0.26) + R35 253 – R14 220 = R83 433

This means that the tax you would owe each month over a year would be R83 433 / 12 = R6952.75

Remember that this is your base tax liability. The amount of tax you are liable for can be reduced further depending on how much you have spent on medical aid, RA contributions and more. To work out your final tax liability, contact Dirmeik Consulting today, we are here to handle all of your tax requirements.

Lastly, note the tax thresholds tables below. If you earn less than the amounts listed there based on your age, you are likely not eligible to pay any tax.

Personal Income Tax Tables 2019

The taxable income brackets for the period 2019 to 2020 have not been adjusted to match inflation and have therefore not changed since last year. The tax thresholds have however been adjusted slightly which means that you need to earn slightly more than last year to be eligible to pay tax.

Income tax brackets for the period 1 March 2019 to 29 February 2019

Taxable Income Rates of Tax
R0 – R195 850 + 18% of each R1
R195 851 – R305 850 R35 253 + 26% of the amount above R195 850
R305 851 – R423 300 R63 853 + 31% of the amount above R305 850
R423 301 – R555 600 R100 263 + 36% of the amount above R423 300
R555 601 – R708 310 R147 891 + 39% of the amount above R555 600
R708 311 – R1 500 000 R207 448 + 41% of the amount above R 708 310
R1 500 001 and above R532 041 + 45% of the amount above R 1 500 000

Tax Rebates 2019-2020

Primary R14 220
Secondary (Persons 65 and older) R7 794
Tertiary (Persons 75 and older) R2 601

Tax Thresholds 2019 – 2020

Age Tax Threshold
Below age 65 R79 000
Age 65 to below 75 R122 300
Age 75 and over R136 750

Comparative Tax Rates

Rates of Tax 2018 2019 2020
• Maximum marginal rate 45% 45% 45%
• Reached at a taxable income 1500 000 1 500 000 1 500 000
• Minimum rate 18% 18% 18%
• Up to taxable income of 189 880 195 850 195 850
• CGT inclusion rate 40% 40% 40%
• Normal tax rate 28% 28% 28%
• Dividends Tax 20% 20% 20%
• CGT inclusion rate 80% 80% 80%
TRUSTS (other than special trusts)
• Flat rate 45% 45% 45%
• CGT inclusion rate 80% 80% 80%
• Donations Tax 20% 20%-25%* 20%-25%*
• Estate Duty 20% 20%-25%* 20%-25%*
• VAT 14% 15% 15%
• Maximum marginal rate 28% 28% 28%
• Reached at a taxable income 550 000 550 000 550 000
• Minimum rate 0% 0% 0%
• Up to taxable income of 75 750 78 150 79 000
• Max Rate of Tax 3% 3% 3%
• On Turnover of 750 000 750 000 750 000
• Minimum Rate 0% 0% 0%
• Up to taxable income of 335 000 335 000 335 000

* Estates and cumulative donations in excess of R30 million will be taxed at 25%

Annual Income Tax Tables

The tables above will allow you to calculate your tax liability for the period March 2019 to February 2020. For previous years, access the appropriate tax tables below:

Income Tax Rates 2018/2019

Income Tax Rates 2017/2018

Income Tax Rates 2016/2017

Income Tax Rates 2015/2016

Income Tax Rates 2014/2015

Income Tax Rates 2013/2014

Income Tax Rates 2012/2013

Download tax tables

If you would like to download these tax tables as well as other useful tax info for this tax period in a handy pocket guide, access the following link: Download the Free Tax Guide 2019/2020.

Need help calculating your tax liability?

Tax can be confusing and if the numbers are not making sense to you, why not reach out and allow us to assist you with your tax liability. Our service offering is really ‘more than just numbers’ as we also provide you with sound advice backed by friendly, efficient service.

Call us on:
Johannesburg: 010 007 3026,
Cape Town: 021 421 4444,
Durban: 031 007 0881