2024 Budget Speech Highlights

2024-02-22T16:06:19+00:00February 22, 2024|Accounting, Advice, Budget, News, SARS, Taxes|

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced his budget speech on Wednesday 21st February 2024, that he hoped would alleviate immediate fiscal pressures.  It was disappointing news for South Africa’s already struggling households to hear that the additional R15 billion needed to balance the budget, will come out of the pockets of individual taxpayers. To achieve [...]

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Retirement Funds and Tax

2017-06-30T08:02:29+00:00June 30, 2017|Advice, General|

Retirement planning is a long term commitment and for most of us, it entails a consistent monthly payment until you reach retirement age. Whether you are self-employed and contribute directly, or your employer is submitting payments on your behalf, these payments become part of life - or perceived as another expense at month-end - [...]

Rethinking business expenses over the holidays

2015-12-22T08:10:52+00:00December 22, 2015|Advice|

As a business owner, you work hard all year to ensure the success of your business. You recognise that every cent counts and saving money anywhere directly affects your bottom line. Whether you are lucky enough to be taking time off over the holiday season or if the holidays signal the start of your [...]