Tax Deadlines 2015

2015-07-01T07:10:44+00:00July 1, 2015|Uncategorized|

Every year we summarise some of the important tax deadlines that affect you as an individual or employer. Tax season deadlines for individuals In each tax season, you are required to submit your income tax return (ITR12). This document assists SARS in calculating the tax payable on your income as well as the tax [...]

Tax Return Deadline 2014

2014-04-10T09:58:07+00:00April 10, 2014|General|

With every new year comes a fresh set of tax return deadlines. If you are managing your own taxes, it is best to add these to your calendar to avoid any late submissions and subsequent penalties. For your reference, we have added a list of all the major deadlines that you need to pay [...]

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Tax Deadline

2012-06-26T15:32:58+00:00June 26, 2012|General|

Tax need not be a stress Welcome to Tax season 2012! With a new season of tax, comes a new set of tax deadlines...and I have yet to find a person that likes tax deadlines. The word “tax” has the ability to turn most people a pale shade of white. Mix this [...]