Tax considerations on retirement

2017-07-29T07:27:22+00:00July 29, 2017|Advice, General|

In our previous blog article titled ‘Retirement funds and tax’, we looked at tax implications while saving for retirement and the recent changes in legislation that allow you to save up to 27.5% of your taxable income when making retirement contributions. Retirement structure is based on three legs, namely exempt, exempt, and taxed. While [...]

Retirement Funds and Tax

2017-06-30T08:02:29+00:00June 30, 2017|Advice, General|

Retirement planning is a long term commitment and for most of us, it entails a consistent monthly payment until you reach retirement age. Whether you are self-employed and contribute directly, or your employer is submitting payments on your behalf, these payments become part of life - or perceived as another expense at month-end - [...]