Working overseas? Proposed legislature changes may affect you

2017-05-26T19:53:56+00:00May 26, 2017|Advice, News|

Thousands of South Africans leave the country each year to earn a better wage, enticed by the favorable remuneration packages being offered. Low tax rates or tax-free jurisdictions such as Dubai in the Middle East are strong magnets for South Africans where despite harsh conditions, long working hours and separation from their families, they [...]

Expatriate Tax Services

2016-01-28T08:27:38+00:00January 28, 2016|Advice|

We receive more and more requests each day from Expats requiring assistance with their tax, both from South African’s living abroad and foreign nationals. While we have covered Expatriate tax in two previous blog articles - Expat Tax Services and Expatriate tax in South Africa - I thought it may be valuable to list [...]